Friday, September 08, 2006

Effectiveness of Current Online Marketing - "A Click in Time"

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Hello, my name is Tyler Somers. I like playing, recording, and producing music, surfing, taking photographs with my girlfriend's camera, and hanging out. My personal mission statement may seem a bit cheesy, but it is as follows: I want to love people and God. Enjoy my blog.

According to numbers released in August 2006 by IMRG, UK consumers have spent £13.5 billion online during the first half of the year, a 40% increase since last year. In light of this figure, one may think that most or more retailers are taking advantage of the Internet for marketing purposes. That thought - though logical- is not quite accurate.

A relatively small amount of businesses are utilizing the Internet for marketing and sales, in particular, firms whose business model has focused on “distance-shopping.” Such firms are quite familiar with personally marketing to the masses, probably through the medium of direct mail and/or telemarketing. Realizing the potential benefits of the Internet, these firms jumped on board a while ago; their relatively high profits reflect that wise jump.

This is not the case, however, with the majority of firms out there. These firms, according to the article, simply do not recognize the Internet’s potential to make them profit in the long run. They look at sales and profits today, but not ten years from today. That will most likely be a problem.

Marketing online is extremely flexible. The article highlights this point well. A search engine’s keyword can be bought and sold according to that word’s popularity that day. Similarly, Advertisements can be quickly revised and updated. For example, if a particular movie (let’s say Pirates of the Caribbean) sat on top of the charts after its premier weekend(which it did), the after-the-weekend advertisement might say something like “come and see why more people came and saw Jack Sparrow last weekend than anyone else on the screen.”

The article ends by highlighting a few online marketing mistakes, dealing with failed objectives, brand inconsistency, poor use of data and more.

Peace to you,

Tyler Somers


At 2:50:00 PM, Blogger J said...

I agree with this article when it claims that the internet is a great marketing resource. I think it is really fascinating how some companies saw the internet’s potential and acted on it right away while others are still clueless. I think part of the reason is the difference in generations. Our generations, and especially the even younger generations, have practically grown up with the internet at our finger tips. Older generations however, are not as familiar with this technology and might be less inclined to utilize it to its maximum potential. Marketers and advertisers are constantly finding new ways to reach their target markets so while the internet might be the hot channel at the moment, there is no telling what the future might hold.


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